You don't shine, you pay. The police once again urge the wearing of reflective elements

Napsal (») 2. 3. 2020 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 226×
Reflective Vest

The visibility of pedestrians is once again becoming a topical issue as winter and shorter days approach. The last man to be tragically paid for was a man who was hit by a truck at midnight on Sunday in Vyškov. Police recall that pedestrians have to be sufficiently visible on the roads for their safety. In poor conditions, people without reflective elements face a fine of around two thousand crowns.

A thirty-one-year-old man walked on the right side of the road in Vyskov, in the same direction as passing cars when he was hit by a truck. According to police spokeswoman Alice Musilova, he was not wearing any reflective tape or other visible clothing accessories.

The truck driver had a negative test for both alcohol and drugs. The circumstances of the accident are now being investigated by the Vyškov traffic police.

Between January and September this year, police in the South Moravian Region register thirty pedestrian accidents after dark, eight of which in places with poor lighting.

Be seen, police say

Police have been warning poor pedestrians for a long time. The greatest risk is in the winter months when it is darker and the conditions for the driver deteriorate. According to police statistics, November is the most dangerous month regularly, as it often rains and the days are shorter.

Also, an amendment to the Road Traffic Act has been in force since February this year, requiring pedestrians to wear reflective materials in low visibility, darkness, fog or fog and walking on the verge in unlit areas. However, the rule applies only outside the municipality.

Poorly visible pedestrians face a block fine of up to two thousand crowns, in administrative proceedings between 1500 and 2500 crowns. According to the Ministry of Transport, wearing reflective material elements is a good prevention of fatal accidents.

Police advise wearing reflective elements even in the village

Since last autumn, the police have distributed more than 100,000 reflective tapes, which increase pedestrian visibility up to two hundred meters. "For preventive reasons, we recommend people to wear reflective vest elements even in villages where lighting is poor. If the driver does not see the pedestrian, he does not have the opportunity to react in time and such accidents often end tragically," said Brno Police spokesman Pavel Svab.

According to the police, the most dangerous are the groups of people who go to the villages from a disco. "They usually walk on the wrong side, they are unlit. Moreover, when they have a little toast, they do not try to avoid cars at all. When a driver meets them in a curve, he often has no time to dodge," added Pavel Ondráček.

According to police statistics, 131 pedestrians died on the roads last year, 19 more than in 2013. In the long term, every fifth to the sixth person who dies in a car accident is a pedestrian.

Reflective elements can be purchased from cycling shops or stationery. A complete list of points of sale has been published by the Ministry of Transport on its website, which also includes applications where people can experience the importance of reflective elements.

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