The upcoming autumn-winter period, shorter days, rainfall and thick fog - all this worsens road safety. Pedestrians are particularly at risk. The police are appealing to wear reflections. Why they are so important, says Marts, spokesperson of the Pavia Police Commander.
Who should wear flares?
Marts: The obligation to wear reflectors covers all pedestrians moving from dusk to dawn along the way outside the built-up area. Exceptions are pedestrians who move along sidewalks or on a pedestrian-only road. However, let us not treat this provision as unavoidable.” Reflections are not only accessories that we must wear to avoid punishment, but also above all, objects that can save lives. Remember that even a small reflective element can prevent tragedy.
APB: Reflective vests, pendants, bands - what should a pedestrian do?
KM: The legislator did not impose the types or sizes of reflective elements. The most important thing is to make them visible. Everyone can choose a reflection in any form, adjusted to age, height or even clothing. Of course, it can be a jacket, pants or other, visible to drivers garment with reflective elements. In addition, we can choose between all kinds of key rings, pendants, bands, stickers or vests. What is important is not so much the type of flares as their placement.
APB: So where should they be?
KM: It is recommended that the reflectors should be placed at the knees, hands and around the center of the chest and back - then we will be sure that they are clearly visible to other road users.
It is worth remembering that the vehicle passing lights are directed diagonally downwards, which is why the driver will notice us sooner, if we have a reflector placed at knee height, than if we had it, for example, on a hat.
APB: From what distance is the driver able to notice a pedestrian after dark?
KM: If a walking pedestrian who is walking around in darkness is dressed in a dark outfit, in good weather the driver will notice him from a distance of about 40 meters. In difficult weather conditions, when, for example, it is raining, there is fog, this distance decreases even up to 20 meters. In addition, it must be remembered that when the road is wet and slippery, the braking distance of the vehicle also increases. Besides, the driver, trying to avoid the pedestrian at the last minute, may fall into an accident.
In turn, if the pedestrian is wearing reflective vest, the driver is able to notice it from a distance of about 150-300 meters, depending on the weather conditions. In addition, the sooner he sees it, the quicker he will react. These extra meters allow the driver to slow down or safely bypass the pedestrian.