Ride a motorcycle safety in the rain

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 17. 1. 2017 v kategorii road safety, přečteno: 569×

Over the Polish undergo severe storms and this turbulent period is not the most pleasant for us motorcyclists. As ride to make sure you get safely to your destination? Here are 5 tips on how to ride a motorcycle with safety vest in the rain and the wet asphalt.

Recently, our magazine we wrote about driving in heavy wind, now it's time to rain. Driving in the rain or wet may not be super pleasant, but following a few rules can definitely be safe.

1. Inhibition

If your bike is not equipped with an ABS you must do everything to avoid a more powerful braking on wet. How to do it? Firstly the speed limits, and secondly - Increase the distance to the preceding vehicle you. Do not overtake, do not hit between a cars. Stay away from them far enough away so that you always had to slow down. If you must destroy speed press harder rear brakes, but so as not to break the grip of the rear wheels and the front.

2. Acceleration

Leaving the battery pack for the winter in a motorcycle or moped: What is the danger?

Laziness does not pay, thus leaving the battery in several months very often associated with complications and expenses in the spring. Today we recall why it is worth spending a few minutes deference with respect to our motor.

When driving on wet the throttle should be treated very gently, especially if your vehicle does not have traction control. Accelerate quietly, slowly picking up speed - too rapid throttle can cause the rear wheel skid, and this may result in unpleasant capacity.

3. See before you go

Choose the way that you drive. Avoid the white lines painted stripes, spilled sand and rainbow places that testify spilled on the asphalt oil, fuel or other slippery muck, but avoid too rapid slalom. If you see something at the last minute before his front wheel would be better if, after you pass that, with uniform speed and without abrupt maneuvers, release, etc. If the bitumen - try to go after its dry arid parts. Pay also attention to the pools - do not know what is in them they are hidden and how deep they are...

4. Turns squarely on

Maybe you're a novice rider, but when it is wet forget tilting in curves. Slow down before Winkle and take him squarely. Nobody will laugh at you, while the foolish would be if you fell over.

5. You are less visible

It is not about that, you immediately dressed in a reflective vest and a helmet painted in white, red or a fluorescent color. The point is you take a patch that you cannot see, but rather see you worse than that you might think. First of all, check the lighting in your vehicle MUST be efficient! Fogged windows in conjunction with the wipers not new car can make for the driver of the car will be virtually invisible. But do not go on long traffic lights, perhaps improves your visibility, but only apparently - strikes, confuses drivers and makes it not able to judge the distance from the point of blinding.

6. You have to see everything

And it's hard ... The falling rain does not let go with an open fast, and closed fast immediately evaporates. It’s tilting too much give. Finally you go to the half-open window and narrowed his eyes ... to avoid driving in the dark enough that you equip your helmet so. It is a system that provides very good protection against evaporation windows, by installing an internal fast inside the helmet - the so-called. Not every helmet and not every glass has the ability to mount - so it is worth on the purchase of a helmet with reflective tape to take this into account. If you have a helmet without the possibility of setting can save a special spray that circulated on the inner side of the glass significantly reduces evaporation.

7. Vehicle condition

I wrote earlier about lighting, but nevertheless an important element while driving in the rain and the wet tires are which directly affect our security. They must be unused - tread located on the tire drain excess water, after which we go, giving us traction. If there is no tread, or is too shallow, the tire cannot keep up with the disposal of water and go really the cushion of water, which is slippery as oil...

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