Road safety depends on pedestrians and drivers

Napsal (») 10. 8. 2015 v kategorii road safety, přečteno: 841×

In police have no doubt that the most difficult in terms of safety for pedestrians at up. Reymont traffic moves on four lanes. - Pedestrian must realize that one staying in front of the vehicle belts that's not all, because the second car also has to face, and unfortunately not always the case - notes Gregory Mede ski of the department of traffic in the District Police Headquarters in Raciborz. We ask him if Raciborz drivers driving culture has improved in recent years and the model example. German drivers stop in front of each pedestrian interested in moving to the other side of the street. - With culture it is like driving manners. Whoever it is, this will let passerby saw in the rearview mirror Car cord - says the policeman in reflective uniform. The amendment of the rules by the Civic Platform, which is located in the Diet, it assumes that control - as is for many years in Germany - will have to respect the rights of pedestrians wishing to enter the "zebra". Not giving priority to expose him to the mandate. And today, watching them much more than they used recording equipment and a misdemeanor on the road it can be disclosed.

Mede ski policeman believes that technological development and the availability of video recording devices conducive to proper behavior on the road. - For the police there is no better proof of how video recording from the scene, eg. With city video surveillance cameras or DVRs Company placed in the car. Increased awareness that someone can film the offense and the driver more to watch - he says.

Pedestrians recommend that the principle of limited trust with respect to approaching motorists pass. - Worth watching is the driver has eye contact with us, because it often happens that behind the wheel looks around and is not focused on what is happening on the front - adds Gregory Mede ski. Such wool-gathering in charge can cause a collision on strips involving a pedestrian, who thought that the car will stop.

The problem undergo interested in municipal and county councilors. Michael Fiat with us-with the magistrate appealed to distribute reflective bands to pedestrians, so faint especially during autumn and winter. In late March, Arturo PO succeeded in getting district to set additional tables with zebra next to Ovex on because it comes that way a lot of children and adolescents.

Most attention from both local government councils spends belts at the roundabout on May 3 Constitution Square (formerly Pig Market). The drivers are demanding induced traffic lights there, which they see hope for the uncontrolled movement of pedestrians. These fall into the street as if it were a promenade. The case is stalemate, because officials in the prefecture insist that the lights only make sense when the crossing will be moved to the right side of the roundabout, and on such a project traffic organization cannot find a willing designer. Gregory Mede ski from the police who wear reflective tapes on uniform indicate here on another issue, which has been raised in the discussion about the "zebra" on Pave. - Getting there lights may negatively affect the obstruction of access roads to the roundabout. This transition is a total of two separate passages with an island and signaling theory would have to be double. The lighting cycle of green light, so-called exposure time pedestrian crossing would be calculated according to the average, which comes in both an athletic young man and 90-year-old man. Such minute "green" is at peak hours several cars forming plug - selects guardian of the law.

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