Road safety should be concerned

Napsal (») 7. 9. 2015 v kategorii road safety, přečteno: 747×

Yes’s that time again - many people go out of the house when it is still dark and come home when it gets dark again. Especially at this time (and at night) happen about one-third of all traffic accidents - because of the darkness. The danger of killed in road traffic, at night is twice as high as on the day. Because of the early invading darkness is "see and be seen to be" just in the autumn and winter months imperative appeals road safety officer of the District Office Kelley, Bernhard Strauss. He has created a checklist.

Risk: Defective or poorly adjusted headlights.

"Most deficiencies were in recent years, badly adjusted or defective headlight. Each driver should also take care that the leveling system is adapted to the load condition of a vehicle, otherwise the dazzling oncoming traffic, "says Strauss. By autumn and winter weather conditions, the headlights also pollute faster and should be cleaned regularly.

Clean windshield gives a clear view.

Before driving observe the exterior and the inside of the windshield should be cleaned. Icy and snowy discs must also be cleaned before driving, a "peephole" is sufficient in any case. Even snow domes on the vehicles must be removed before driving -You can obstruct the driver and other road users. Must be checked and the wiper blades and the windscreen washer system, explains Strauss: "Since 1 May 2005, the Highway Code stipulates that the equipment of the vehicle must be adapted to the weather conditions. This includes sufficient antifreeze in the windshield washer system. "

Especially important is the cleaning of the windshield was -and of course not only in autumn and winter when smoking vehicles. Because here diminish the nicotine film, which is reflected on the inside of the view significantly.

Wearers should always regularly for voluntary eye test. Especially during the cold and hazy half but creates only an adequate visual aid sufficient insight. "Help multiple anti-reflective quality glasses that perspective, in particular to low sun, improve."

The speed adjust is the most important.

The altered weather conditions change, the demands on the driving style. In addition to a suitable tires are driver must also adjust to fog, foliage and slippery roads. Especially near rivers and forests -a good example here is the World Burger Berg - these phenomena occur particularly often.

"On a wet road, the braking distance almost doubled - this should take into account all road users in their speed, particularly in junctions and pedestrian crossings," says Strauss. Especially in fog and foliage on the street is a dangerous lubricating film can form.

During dusk, at night or when visibility is otherwise require the mandatory lighting devices are used. "Disabled fog, snowfall or rain the visibility considerably is to drive with low beam even during the day," says Strauss. The illuminators should not be dirty or soiled.

"If free sight in fog under 50 meters, may be driven only at a speed of 50 km / h. "Because with greater visibility fog lamps would dazzle the traffic behind and jeopardize. Fog lights may however be used when obstructions by fog, snow or rain. Should anyone be blinded in traffic, Strauss has a tip: "Do not look into the light, but orient yourself on the road boundary."

Cyclists and pedestrians are at particular risk.

See and be seen is also indispensable for cyclists and pedestrians. As soon as the weather permits, cyclists are on the roads again increasingly go. When the sun is low or when the drivers have already turned on the headlights, fell cyclists without lights inadequate and would therefore often detected too late. In cold and bad weather, the view will also be affected by hoods and hats that would draw down over his face.

It is therefore even more important that pedestrians and cyclists are detected in time by other road users. "Light clothing is advisable, but can be in the office everyday life is not always implement. Therefore, one should rely on light bands or reflective stripes. Even cats eyes briefcases can increase the visibility, "says Strauss. This also applies to any kind of sport, which is exercised in the public transport, such as jogging or walking.

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