Wear a safety vest when change a car wheel ourselves

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 27. 11. 2017 v kategorii road safety, přečteno: 514×

A wheel can be punctured at any time and in any place, so we must be prepared. In addition, the safety vest is necessary when you change the wheel.

The theory on how to change a wheel we all know. The problem appears when a wheel is thrown at us and we move from theory to practice without even realizing it. However, changing a wheel is not that difficult and we can all do it. So do not be afraid to get down working and, yes, staining a bit.

In addition to the puncture, we can also find that our tires have a lower pressure than recommended. In fact, 70% of drivers drive in this way and 50% of cars have a tire with pressure so low as to suffer a serious incident. This shows that we must take special care with the wheels of our car. The first step is to learn to change them.

1. Stop the car in a safe place. The most important of the indications that you should follow when changing a tire is safety. First, you must find a safe place to do it. In fact, if you can be on the opposite side of the traffic, much better. You must stop the vehicle in a flat and firm place and set the parking brake. In addition, you will have to put on the reflective vest before leaving the car and place the warning hazard triangles correctly.

2. Loosen the nuts. Once start locating all the necessary tools such as, for example, the jack, the key, and the security screws. Afterwards, you will have to loosen the wheel nuts before lifting the car with the jack, placing it in the indicated place - in the user manual of each car it is indicated at which point of the chassis it should be placed.

3. Remove the screws and the wheel. When the car is already lifted, you must remove all the screws and remove the wheel. A trick that can serve you is to place the wheel that you take out under the car, so that if the cat fails, the car will avoid damaging when hitting the tire and not against the ground.

4. Put the spare wheel. This step is very simple. You just have to put the spare wheel in the right place, fit it, put the screws, and tighten them. Then you can drive with safety and can keep the road safety.

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