Amendment the road traffic

Napsal (») 18. 8. 2015 v kategorii road traffic, přečteno: 946×

MPs in the opening round to support an amendment to the Law on Road Traffic, which for example allows the operation of Seaways and pedestrians imposes an obligation to carry on a road in poor visibility reflective elements.

The draft also allows the retention of technical license because of the poor condition of the vehicle. Changes aimed at enhancing road safety, to apply from 1 January 2016.

Pedestrians should strips or reflective material should always be wearing when road travel at reduced visibility, thus, for example, in fog or at night. Sinners will face a fine of up to 2,500 crowns. "Being seen at a sufficient distance from the aspect of safety of road users and especially the most vulnerable participants, including just pedestrians, fundamental requirement," said Department of Transportation.

Operation Seaways, where tourists roam among others, in the center, should generally be permitted, but the municipality will be able to ban traffic sign. Traffic restrictions on municipalities by the Ministry of Transport represent a compromise solution balancing the interests of the government and pedestrians and less restrictive interests of operator’s carts.

You know, what will this year police collected small technical certificate?

Surface law would ban the practice completely impossible to operate these rovers. Edit should be the speed with which it is possible to ride the Seaway. On the sidewalks would be on them, people could only move at walking speed, just on the trails could ride without restriction.

The present amendment also imposes the duty to clean vehicles from frost or ice. The driver will not be allowed to drive the vehicle on which the ice or when the ice on its load if the ice when released endanger road safety. It will not affect the normal frost on the vehicle.

Drivers will not be allowed to endanger the cyclist who crosses the road at the crossing for cyclists. It will not apply to situations where a cyclist approaching before crossing.

The amendment also proposes to withhold the certificate of registration of a motor vehicle, the so-called small technical certificate, when police found the car when checking or clarification of traffic accidents dangerous defect. The policeman dressed in reflective uniform will have to indicate what fault because the certificate held.

The amendment to the Road Traffic Act: The obligation to clean the entire vehicle of snow and seizure "techničáku".

If the driver does not have a certificate to each other, will have a vehicle operator certificate within five days and deliver local municipal authority. Gets him back if the protocol on technical inspection proves that the defect removed or the vehicle is technically eligible for the operation.

The new institute withholding will not apply, for example, to a vehicle fire brigade or ambulance.

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