Do you know that a fire extinguisher is required in Bulgaria

Napsal (») 6. 2. 2018 v kategorii road traffic, přečteno: 585×

The basic road traffic rules are not much different in Europe from in the Czech Republic. However, it is good to prepare for specialties, the failure of which can cause problems.

A number of drivers have mistakenly assumed that only speeds are different abroad, and often have no idea of ​​them. However, the situation is more complicated. In each country, an initiative parliament comes together, who comes up with ideas on how to bind road transport. Uniform rules within Europe are failing, for example, the Czechs want zero alcohol tolerance, and the British want to drive from the pub by car.

The rules are not just about behavior on the road but also about what the car needs to meet, and what to do in the mandatory safety equipment. It is easy to forget the spare wheel or repair kit for the cracked tire and the tools needed for the replacement. It is also necessary to check the first aid kit and its contents and it is good for the crew to know where to find it. It should be easily accessible even with full luggage. It is not necessary to solve what the deputies of the individual countries have devised the contents of the first-aid kit, and you will probably not get the fine abroad. However, it is important to have it.

Mandatory equipment is a reflective vest. For example, Austria, Hungary and Slovenia and many other countries require that everyone who comes out of a parked vehicle should wear a vest and be in the car immediately at hand. We recommend that you keep this document and, if necessary, purchase a pair of vests. A more expensive item will be a fire extinguisher that they need in Bulgaria. Compulsory item is also in Poland, but only for car owners registered there, foreigners do not have to.

In all countries of Europe, it is also necessary to have children in suitable seats. It should be checked that they are suitably large and comfortable for the children, especially if the children are expected to be part of the journey. There are also rentals to rent better seats.

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