Keep the road safety rule is keeping your safety

Napsal (») 16. 11. 2017 v kategorii road traffic, přečteno: 539×

Do you know the road traffic regulations? The logical thing is to think that we all know it, except for a small detail that escapes us, but well, nothing too important ... Or is it. If it turns out that, we commit infractions on a daily basis that we are not aware. Some of them could cost us fines and even withdrawal of points. These are some of the most frequent:

-Circle with the dirty or worn license plate, do not use the high visibility reflective vest when getting out of the car, do not carry a spare wheel, drive with the expired card or circulate without connecting the corresponding lighting systems are 200 Euros fine.

In the event that you do not carry, two homologated portable warning pre-warning triangles, also 200 Euros. Although you may fined for not placing the hazard, warning devices or not take the necessary measures to warn other users of the existence of an obstacle or danger. In both cases, the fine is 80 Euros.

-Give bursts to the vehicle traveling in front, or what is the same, "alternative employment, in the form of flashes of long-range light or road and short-range light or crossing, with purposes other than those planned »is punished with a fine of 80 Euros.

-To circulate with children under twelve years as moped passengers or motorcycles there is the possibility of withdrawal of driving license for a period of up to three months, although the normal is a fine of 200 Euros and the loss of 2 points.

-For throwing to the road or in its vicinity objects that may cause fires, accidents, or hinder traffic, make improper overtaking or overtaking endangering or hindering cyclists without safety vest the penalty is 200 Euros and the loss of 4 points.

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