Not without my neon yellow vest

Napsal (») 11. 10. 2017 v kategorii road traffic, přečteno: 615×

The first years at the Ludwig-Simmer-Anger will be very interesting in the near future.

Also the correct behavior in the road traffic wants to be learned. The ADAC Foundation "Geber Engel" and the German Post Office have already received their support for the fifth time in a row. Under the motto "140 meters, which can save lives", they donated yellow safety vests for 69 schoolchildren.

Errors in German or math teaching can be improved relatively easily. In the case of road traffic errors, however, this is quite different. Not only Ending’s deputy mayor Ludwig Kramer took the opportunity to talk to the newcomers to the conscience. Deputy Head of the Police Inspectorate Eroding, Bode Urban, as well as Rector Marion Grebe, emphasized the importance of wearing the safety vest - not only on the way to school, but also when playing or cycling. From a distance of 140 meters, the students can be recognized for other traffic users - early enough to be able to brake in time.

The warning vests were distributed for the ADAC by the chairman of the automobile and motor sports club Eroding, Fritz Martinets. He has made the promise to the first three classes not to move without the bright yellow vest on the road. Nevertheless, he cautioned: "This is not armor or an ivory costume. You still have to be careful, because a car cannot stop on the spot. "

In order to wear safety reflective vests, the freshly baked primary schoolchildren also have second graders. Dressed in their own vest, they gave the song "What do I do" to the best.

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