Pouleyn wood company closed after the new fire

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 15. 4. 2019 v kategorii safety clothing, přečteno: 470×

Window and door manufacturer Pouleyn in Vichte, a district of Anzegem in the province of West Flanders, had to temporarily stop its activities after another fire had raged on Friday. Two months ago a worker died in a fire in the same company.

Barely two months after the silo fire in which one person died and three others were injured, another fire broke out at Pouleyn. The fire department of zone Fluvia received a call on Friday morning after smoke was noticed. After searching for a while it turned out that wood dust was smoldering in a container on the business park.

"There were no firefighting lines, so the fire brigade stayed on site while the container was being emptied," Fluvia says. "The movement in the wood dust created a spectacular flash, but nobody was injured and the fire could be extinguished quickly."

After a consultation with the fire brigade, police and mayor, it was decided after the incident to close the company temporarily. A legal expert has been appointed to investigate the fire. Now there is a consultation with the Supervision of Well-being at Work and with the company to see what the next step is. There were no preventive fire extinguishing lines in the company and there would also be insufficient safety clothing available.

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