Prevention before the repression of cyclists

Napsal (») 16. 3. 2018 v kategorii safety clothing, přečteno: 570×

Strasbourg cyclists are invited to equip themselves with safety clothing the arrival of winter. Lighting is mandatory remind authorities, protections are strongly recommended... The fines could fall with the arrival of winter. The urban community, the public prosecutor and the national police carried out an awareness-raising operation for cyclists (100,000 recorded daily bicycle trips, or 12% of Strasbourg's trips), on Wednesday afternoon, on the Cordeaux bridge. Promote good living together - cyclists, pedestrians, and motorists - remind the safety rules and mandatory equipment and announce the strengthening of the controls of cyclists. Therefore, the verbalization adapted to bicycles, as announced by 20 Minutes Thursday, November 20.

In addition, that is good for this father who carried his daughter on the rack and his son on the handlebars of his bike. If his lighting equipment is regulatory, this behavior does not leave insensitive municipal police in safety vest who control it. All three leave on foot. Geraldine leaves the Cordeaux Bridge with small lamps distributed during this awareness campaign. The cycle of the young woman had many lights but no reflectors. She also accepts a voucher to burn her bike. "I do not know if it will change anything but I prefer to do it, I've already had four or five bikes stolen," says the cyclist who makes daily Kutenai to go to work and travels only two -Wheels.

"Seeing and being seen is essential for its protection and that of others," says Michel, the public prosecutor who indicates the return of "the repression adapted to remind cyclists the reality of things.” "Minor fines have had some effects," said Alain Winter, deputy director of public security. In 2012, in 62% of cases, cyclists were responsible for the accident in which they were involved." The prosecutor encourages to circulate with a helmet and to dress in a reflective vest. He thunders when he enumerates "the dangerous and unconscious behaviors" of cyclists who ride with headphones on their ears, telephoning or grilling a fire or do not stop at a stop.

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