Bielefeld parents should now train the way to school of their children

Napsal (») 30. 8. 2018 v kategorii safety vest, přečteno: 503×

The children are still on holiday. But the new school-leavers and those who change schools in a few days should already train their new way, experts advise. Even those who have practiced the first way by bus and train, comes relaxed into the new school year. In April, 115 children died in traffic accidents in Bielefeld.


The police are calling on all parents to train the new route to school on time and on multiple occasions. "even if your child is already very independent," say the police traffic safety adviser. Only what is practiced, can be implemented by children, says police expert Luther Pruner: "Here is especially the positive role model of adults required so that children do not copy the misconduct of others."


Experts at the ADAC advise: "Depending on the route, five to ten units are necessary to internalize all dangers." The training should also take place during school hours. "The weekend is due to the low traffic at most as an entry-level training," said the police.


All experts advise: "Target your children specifically to specifics or danger spots and show them how they can handle the dangers well." But which are they? Above all, the correct crossing of the road should be practiced especially intensively. Because children cannot yet estimate velocities of cars well. They have a smaller field of view and cannot yet locate the sounds of their environment well. Even parked cars on the roadside are a real danger. "Adults should therefore squat more often to experience the small children's obstructions, including hedges and garbage cans.


The shortest route is not always the safest, says the ADAC. Often, small detours leading to traffic lights and pedestrian crossings make more sense. The city has worked out the best way plans for all elementary schools. They usually lead directly to intersections, which promise by traffic lights the greatest security.


Haste increases the risk of accidents in traffic. Who gets up early and is well rested is thus safer. Elementary school children need much more time to cross a street, for example: "At that age, they cannot approach the roadside and look for traffic at the same time," says road safety adviser Dina Winkler from the police. "They do that one after another."


The police advise to accompany the students in the first few days. Nevertheless, one should encourage the independence of the students and let them go part of the route alone. "Follow your child initially unnoticed," advises the traffic guard. "Only when the children think they are unobserved, can it be determined whether they really stick to the agreements." Often the concentration decreases rapidly when other children join. Therefore, many parents organize walking buses with several students, who accompany them alternately.


The police recommend: "Children should first take the bicycle exam during elementary school and then cycle to school." The bike test usually takes place in the 3rd or 4th class. Who sends his child to school by bike, should regularly take care of the perfect technical condition of the bike. This includes a bicycle helmet in matching size.


The police strongly advise against bringing children to school by car. It is not just about the parking and stopping mischief in front of the school. Many school administrators have long since set up parenting centers that are safer. Scientific studies also show that children brought by car are educated to become dependent. And that carries serious dangers: "Reduced independence leads to a lack of knowledge of space."


After the summer, parents can easily increase the safety of the students by adding reflective fabrics to their clothing or using safety vests. When it's dark in the morning, neon colors and reflective materials are lifesavers in the traffic.

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