Children & Horses: "Mom, I want a pony!"

Napsal (») 18. 5. 2021 v kategorii safety vest, přečteno: 840×

Horses on bed linen, school bags, T-shirts, and wallets. Horses are always on the lookout on vacation and somehow every conversation ends on the subject of horses. If this applies to your child, then the offspring is very likely "horse mad ". What immediately sounds like a psychosomatic illness is in truth pure fascination for horses and equestrian sports. Riding is a valuable hobby for the youngsters, but it also involves a lot of time and money. Because in most cases it is not a temporary phase - the horse becomes the center of life.

First steps in equestrian sport

At the beginning of a riding career, there are hours of practice with a certified riding instructor - you can expect around 18 to 30 euros per unit. Having your horse is not a must, many stables have school horses on which they offer lessons. "A good age to start equestrian sport regularly is twelve years. With kids between six and ten years of age, stamina and maturity are important. In no way should you overtax them," explains Sylvia Möschl, certified riding instructor and horse management master. The dream of riding usually begins at a very young age. Vaulting is a good way to teach the kids how to handle ungulates. These are acrobatic gymnastics exercises on the back of the horse, where you get to know the animal and train body control and balance.

Equipment: helmet, boots, and more

While a gymnastics jersey and gymnastic shoes are sufficient for vaulting, more extensive basic equipment is required for riding. The basics include a helmet, riding boots, and elastic pants. "I recommend a safety vest, especially for children, as it offers additional protection," explains Sylvia Möschl. In the event of a fall, the multi-layer material has a cushioning effect and protects the chest and spine. Otherwise, comfortable sportswear is best for a riding lesson.

Ross & Teacher

"Which horse breed is suitable for children cannot be said in general terms. Much more important is the animal's temperament. It should be calm, balanced, and educated", says Sylvia Möschl. For children around the age of six, ponies, Haflingers, and Icelanders are possible, otherwise, the height and weight of the rider are decisive - both should be about the stature of the horse. The selection is usually made by the riding instructor because he knows exactly which child suits his horses. But the choice of the riding instructor should also be considered carefully. In addition to specialist knowledge, he should have pedagogical skills to add variety to the class and to increase the level of difficulty over time.

"Mom, I want my horse"

After some time and several riding lessons, the call for one's horse becomes louder and louder. Now at the latest, it will be time-consuming in all dimensions and parents should be aware of this. Acquisition costs, placement fees, veterinarian, farrier, coaching lessons, equipment - to name just a few. The time required is also considerable, as the parents more or less mutate into their kids' taxi company. Many riding stables cannot be reached by public transport and tournaments across the country are on the program at the weekend.

Alternative: participation in riding

If you want to delay the acquisition of a horse a little longer, riding participation is a good option. Many horse owners do not have the time to ride their animals out regularly and care for them accordingly. For this reason, they often grant third parties a right of use. Young riders with good saddle skills can ride and care for the horse on agreed days - and the owner knows that his animal is sufficiently busy. In terms of price, you can expect about 80 to 150 euros/month. It remains to be clarified whether the horse is insured, who pays the doctor's costs in the event of an accident, and who is to pay the farrier. Also important: liability insurance in case the horse runs away and causes damage.

More than just sport

"As a rider, you have to show stamina as well as empathy. By dealing with horses, children learn to take responsibility for another living being," says Sylvia Möschl. In addition, the level of sensitivity, body control, and balance of the child is strengthened. In addition, riding takes up a large part of their free time - which can be an advantage in the teenage years, as the child does not have time to come up with stupid ideas.

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