Children with reflectors set off on the road

Napsal (») 15. 1. 2020 v kategorii safety vest, přečteno: 398×
 safety vests

Reflective School - is an action joined by the Primary School in Przeginia. The children equipped with reflectors and safety vests, art contests about reflectors and safety were carried out, there were trips, meetings with policemen, and now happening on the road is being prepared.

As school director Tatiana Saternus informs, students have already participated in events promoting safety on the way to and from school, there were attractions: "Reflective night at school", "Reflective boy's day", "Reflective break". The classes prepared "Reflective newspapers" was also a competition promoting a nationwide campaign and extracurricular activities related to road traffic.

On Friday, participation in the campaign sensitizing drivers to watch for students going to school is planned. Together with the police, a happening with reflections on the surrounding roads and a campaign "Candy or lemon" for drivers were prepared - for proper driving they will receive a prize, and for speeding a penalty.

The school plans also organize: "Reflective sports tournament", reflecting by children together with the ladies from the Country Housewives' Circle from Przegini, participation in the meeting of the Senior Club: "And you and I will be safe on the road, with reflections at the senior".

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