Cuellar requests two new places of Local Police

Napsal (») 21. 8. 2018 v kategorii safety vest, přečteno: 461×

The mayor of Cuellar, Jesus Garcia, has come to the step of criticism made from the municipal socialist group in which his spokesman, Carlos, indicated a reduction in the staff of the Local Police, with the existence of three agents less than the last year.

Garcia said that for several weeks the City Council of Cuellar has requested the convocation of two new agent positions for the locality, although it has not been possible to carry out until the general budgets of the State have been approved. The mayor stressed that so far. "as Friar knows, because it has been confirmed by the municipal secretariat," it was unfeasible to hire new troops.

After the approval of the new Budget Law of the State, which has opened a little hand to the municipalities, the possibility has arrived that they can make the hiring of new agents, an application that will be effective in the month of March, when it is expected that the Junta de Castellany León will hold a public job announcement in which there will be two places for local agents.

For Garcia "there is no worse lie than a half-truth", and in his opinion "Frailer has us used to go out to public opinion creating alarm and reporting things without them corresponding to reality". For this reason, regarding the shifts of the municipal body, the mayor said that in general, both on Saturdays and Sundays there are local police shifts both morning and night, although he admitted that a certain weekend may have been without Cover these shifts. Although, he said, it is "for probably unexpected reasons or quadrant adjustments, but as a general rule, throughout the year, this is the operation that takes place on weekends."

He also referred to the agents who have left the lists of Cellar, remembering that last year had an agent on secondment through a swap with another who moved from Cuellar. At a given moment, the city council claimed his colleague, who after continuous opposition, has approved and got his place in Palencia. So he has moved.

The agent in commission of service was demanded by his municipality, whereas at present there is a Local Police that is of low for disease. "Before these events occur, the City Council has already requested the incorporation of two police officers to the staff," said the councilor, who recalled that on several occasions agents have been requested on secondment.

Vests with reflective materials

Regarding the possibility of providing police officers with safety vests, the mayor said that at the moment a policeman has requested it. "But we understand that there is no such danger as such in the actions carried out by the Local Police in Cuellar." Still, he said it will be something that is taken into account. "We will value that possibility," he said. It is important to wear reflective clothing at night when you go outside.

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