For more safety - kindergarten gets warning vests

Napsal (») 16. 10. 2017 v kategorii safety vest, přečteno: 548×

Just like him, other girls and boys from the Kindergarten are also well-known in the future. They received 50 warning vests, sponsored by Active-pro Streamer and Stahlberg.

With this donation, Doris Glen continued her private initiative "Lass ditch sheen" on Tuesday. Together with Karl-Heinz Stahlberg, co-owner of the sponsor, she handed over the present. 700 children in 13 kindergartens and neighboring municipalities were already equipped with this action, explained Glen. Similar initiatives by professional associations had brought them to the idea "to make something like this a good thing for kindergarten children".

In other countries it has long been customary for children to wear such warning signs with reflective material. "I'm trying to spread this here," Glen says. Those who want to support their action can, for example, fill up the donations that are in petrol stations and shops. "This is an investment in the safety of children that helps to avoid accidents," emphasizes the initiator.

"This is a project that we would like to support," says Stahlberg. The topic of mobility and children had the company "on the screen". As the father of five children, he also had a personal relationship with him.

"I think it's a great thing that fits in the season" says Vollmer. She darkened a room, lit a flashlight on the vest, and clearly showed the children the reflective effect of the stripes. According to her, the safety vest should be equipped with the logo of the municipal nursery school and the name of its young visitors.

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