It is during the night hours and the fall and wintertime that the most accidents involving drivers and pedestrians are reported, according to a Hillsboro police officer.
In Washington County alone, 11 deaths were reported in 2018 and seven in 2019 of pedestrians struck by vehicles.
Officer Ernesto Villaraldo recommends not trusting and always being alert if you go out for a walk or run in your neighborhood.
He also recommends wearing a safety vest or clothing with reflectors or using lights when going for a walk. But no matter how flashy it looks, walk across crosswalks and be cautious defensively, not offensively.
"A pedestrian will always lose with a vehicle, he will always lose with a vehicle. Caution must be exercised before crossing and protecting oneself more than anything is the priority to prevent these accidents," said Officer Villaraldo
In the city of Hillsboro, only 5 fatal pedestrian accidents were reported in 2018 and three in 2019, Officer Villaraldo tells us.
To avoid accidents with pedestrians, Officer Villaraldo recommends walking on the sidewalks, not wearing headphones, or distracted by your cell phone.
For motorists, before turning, we must be careful and make sure that there are no pedestrians. It is also important to have eye contact with the pedestrian and yield to them before proceeding.
The most important is to drive calmly, obey traffic signals, and be aware of people or objects that may suddenly appear on the road.
Currently, the Hillsboro Police Department is doing its part to prevent further motorist and pedestrian tragedies.