Many runners in safety vest to run at night

Napsal (») 15. 9. 2015 v kategorii safety vest, přečteno: 791×

Many runners in safety vest who decide to go jogging at night, either by time or by the simple fact that the world is calmer when there is less light. In the warmer months it is best to avoid high temperatures and now, although it is cooler and can succeed at almost any time of the day, with the change of time the light is limited as a six- some afternoon and it is night.

Finally, we woke up early or much or no choice to go out at night to run. The most important factor and those we should pay more attention when we went in low light is visibility, both with others of us, like ours.

And we review some safety tips in these cases, like wearing reflective clothing, safety lights (LED's bracelets or front), never forget the identification, emergency phone, etc. On the subject of light now we talk about an alternative to the traditional front head, which sells new invention called Kalinin Decathlon Light Run.

Kalinin Run Light is an accessory in the form of "harness" that is placed on the chest, on any type of reflective shirt, windbreaker or sweatshirt to relocate the start and allows us to bring a powerful light source that illuminates the road just where we need it (and yes, it will make us look Ironman).

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