Police officers in safety vest showed how to be safe

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 8. 2. 2017 v kategorii safety vest, přečteno: 528×

Over channel Babur Street. Iron Sagan has been carried out shows the rescue of persons, under which broke off the ice. For prevention activities organized by firefighters in safety clothing joined police officers from the command of the district in Sagan.

Deputy Inspector. Dealing with the city council in Sagan prevention, during talks in children and adults with wearing safety vest, they passed the most important rules of safety on the road, at home, during leisure activities or contact with strangers.

An important part prevention activities carried out by police officers was the visibility of pedestrians on the road. The police handed children and adults with lights and reflective vest, which during the winter, when very fast dusk, improve the visibility of pedestrians on the road.

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