With Swedish song and sweets

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 12. 9. 2019 v kategorii safety vest, přečteno: 412×
safety vest

Representatives of Volvo Truck Latvia visited Kuldiga Elementary School with a presentation to primary school students on road safety. Every little one was given a safety vest, had a chance to see the huge truck Volvo. Ambassador Henrik Landerholm came for a moment to talk to the children, and guests were given a Swedish folk song by Anastasia Gailite, Paula Astich, Rebekah Uvalde, and Karlis Rimashevsky. There was also a small treat - traditional Swedish children's sweets. In the afternoon, the little ones watched an animated film following the story of Swedish writer Astrid Lingren, Brother and Carlson, who lives on the roof, while senior students competed in the erudition about Sweden.


The essay competition in English has already been announced at  Gymnasium in V.Pludonis. Choice: human love or indifference. The winners are high school students Rihards Audze, Anna Kricka, Leniya Stender, Annette Lidak and Sheila Jekabson. Margita Kleserova was honored from elementary school. Landerholm rewarded everyone with Swedish-language books written in Latvian and then told high school students about the sustainability of global development. The exhibition I Have No Choice, dedicated to Raoul Wallenberg (a Swedish diplomat who helped save thousands of Jews during World War II) opened.

At Kuldiga Art and Humanities Secondary School, Laura Elisa Freiman, a ninth-grade student, received a gift from the Ambassador - Tallink tickets for a four-person ferry trip. Laura Elise is the winner of the Face to Face Climate Contest. It is a traveling exhibition of Swedish and Latvian artists. Almost 60 KMHZV students participated in the course.

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