A Caterpillar t-shirt under his safety vest

Napsal stebenda.blogerka.cz (») 27. 10. 2017 v kategorii yellow vest, přečteno: 568×

372 former workers in yellow vest of Caterpillar Belgium in Gosse lies (Charleroi), who had integrated the conversion cells, have already found a job, said Thursday the Forum spokeswoman. According to her, 70% of them even signed an indefinite contract (CDI). Of the former Caterpillar workers, about 50 have found work at Inferable. The manager of the railway network was very interested in their qualified profile. Our journalists Aurelia Benetton and Guillaume Wiles reveal why.

Today, there are no fewer than 372 former Caterpillar workers to find a job. Among them, about fifty did it at Inferable, the manager of the railway network. This is the case of Mir slaw. "It's an old work t-shirt," reveals Mir slaw Spacewalk, a former Caterpillar Gosse lies worker and current roadwork technician at Inferable, opening his safety vest. "It's part of my past, but we do not forget."

Without a single day of unemployment, the person who was responsible for quality control at Caterpillar became a roadwork technician at Inferable. And team leader, what's more! "At Caterpillar, there were so many jobs where you did not know how to work alone and where caring was really important - I found it here because people are pretty close together," he says.

This know-how of Gosse lays workers interests Inferable. "On a personal level, they have experienced a tragedy, a society that is closing where they have spent many years of their lives, but what strikes me about Caterpillar people is their strong professional conscience. This aspect is also very important for us, "says Bart in reflective vest, Head of Recruitment at Inferable.

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