Prohibit the movement of motorcycles with companion

Napsal (») 5. 12. 2017 v kategorii yellow vest, přečteno: 587×

The initiative aims to 'see if the motorcycle crime goes down or does not go down'

The head of the block of senators of the PJ-FPV, Miguel Pickett, presented today a bill to prohibit for two years the circulation of motorcycles with companion, in order to "see if the crime of motorcycles lowers or does not go down.”

The initiative was presented to the Internal Security and Drug Trafficking Commission and would begin to be debated in the coming weeks with the presence of associations and NGOs that have previously expressed their rejection. This is a modification to the National Traffic Law. In the first place, the motorcyclists wear the helmet with the number of the patent and the reflective vest that has printed, on the front and back, the domain number of the motorcycle.

However, the most controversial point of the initiative is the prohibition of the circulation of motorcycles or mopeds with a companion, something that would be implemented during a "two-year trial period, to see if the motorcycle crime goes down or does not go down" , according to Pickett before the commission. The bill includes the prohibition of a male escort but during the meeting on Tuesday, the senator announced that he would modify his own initiative so that the veto is of a general nature.

When defending his initiative, the senator remarked that the criminal modality of the so-called "motor-chorus" ends "in the best of cases with the theft and at worst with the death of the victim.” "It is forbidden to ride two on the motorcycle, they are presumed suspects, the first one is stopped, and the second one is kidnapped," said the national senator for Río Negro before the commission.

In this regard, aware of the controversy that the project is already generates and led a group of motorcyclists in yellow vest to cut the street of entry to the Senate. "We must see if the Congress has civic courage, if you put up with this law " The head of the majority block acknowledged that the project is "a little unfriendly" and that it will have resistance from various groups, and indicated as background to this type of measures to "Colombia, where the hired killers were driving on a motorcycle."

However, the senators from their own bloc showed their concerns about the project, despite expressing that they share their concern about this type of crime. Formosan José Mayans, catamaran Dalmatia Mara, among others, indicated, "Inside the motorcycle is a daily transport" and stressed the difficulty of applying a prohibition of that type even it is for the road safety. However, the president of the Security and Drug Trafficking Commission, Sigrid Knuth, undertook to submit the project to debate.

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