In autumn, the sun comes in late, it sets early, and the bright time of day is getting shorter. It is no coincidence that October 17 is a day of reflectors - these simple attributes can save many lives. Unfortunately, so far they are still too often forgotten. Specialists of the Lithuanian Road Administration (LAKD) remind that it is vital to use reflectors during the dark hours of the day. The reflectors will be of no use if these beds are forgotten in the drawer. Often it would be enough to search among the items and be able to find a ribbon or hanging reflector, a brightly colored vest, and possibly a flashlight. How to wear a reflector? The strip reflector should be placed on the sleeve of the garment just above the wrist. It can also be worn on the leg calf. Even better, the reflectors are worn on both hands. Then you will be sure that the light-reflecting parts will not block the body when the car arrives. Suspended reflectors pierced with a chain or cord should be attached to clothing so that they glow at knee height as you walk. Photo 3. It is important to wear the reflectors in such a way that they are as well lit as possible by the lights of cars coming from far away. Specialists point out that the most effective safety measures for pedestrians during the dark hours of the day are brightly colored vests with light-reflecting elements and floodlights. The flashlight feature is available on most smartphones, so if you don’t have anything on hand, you can take advantage of it. However, it is not possible to bathe the device while walking - it will only increase the risk.
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