safety vest

Police officers in safety vest showed how to be safe (») | 8. 2. 2017 | přečteno: 513× | komentáře: 0
Over channel Babur Street. Iron Sagan has been carried out shows the rescue of persons, under which broke off the ice. For prevention activities organized by firefighters in safety clothing joined police officers from the command of the district in Sagan. číst dál

Action "Safe Unprotected" by police in safety vests (») | 6. 2. 2017 | přečteno: 517× | komentáře: 0
Concerned about the safety of pedestrians and cyclists, police in safety vest conduct Feb. 3 action "Safe Unprotected". číst dál

Safety vest protect super fun night in Timisoara (») | 19. 1. 2017 | přečteno: 559× | komentáře: 0
Tracks around the stadium Dan completely rebuilt a year ago in Timisoara; prove to be extremely attractive for young lover’s motion. Enjoy those runners, cyclists, and those who practice roller skateboard with wearing a safety vest. číst dál

Assistants in safety vest collect 40 cubic meters of garbage (») | 29. 12. 2016 | přečteno: 537× | komentáře: 0
Putzmunter starts Felix, armed with trash grippers, gloves and safety vest, on his little wheel to take part in the action "Clean City". He is accompanied by mom and grandma. Felix is ​​the first time, his great-grandfather, Franz, former chairman of the Traffic and Beautification Association had launched this initiative to life 42 years ago. číst dál

Shell gas station workers in safety vest (») | 27. 12. 2016 | přečteno: 570× | komentáře: 0
White shirt, safety vest in signal yellow and a dark sports trousers: In the clothes question the North retail and workshop owners Holger was agreed with his guest Patrick, head of the Shell gas station business in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, on Wednesday. číst dál

Despite safety vest not seen (») | 23. 12. 2015 | přečteno: 730× | komentáře: 0
Especially in the dark winter months wear many cyclists also a reflective vest in the hopes that you will be more visible. But the most glaring clothing does not protect, if motorists are distracted, phone or simply looking in the wrong direction. And that's often the accident reason than you think. číst dál

Safety vest is significantly (») | 18. 12. 2015 | přečteno: 808× | komentáře: 0
Thursday marked reflexes day. NAF has tested what is best visible - and concludes that the safety vest is significantly better than sticks and ribbon. But only one in four uses some of its parts. číst dál

What to put on and how to dress safety vest (») | 12. 12. 2015 | přečteno: 668× | komentáře: 0
What to wear, if we want to run? Running with safety vest is unlike, say, tennis or skiing, or even far more expensive sports activity is relatively low cost. What you need is good shoes - it would start. Uppers can be purchased later and gradually. číst dál

Unlit cyclists with safety vest pay a fine (») | 8. 12. 2015 | přečteno: 688× | komentáře: 0
Traffic policemen on Thursday light the riotous cyclists on číst dál

He improved coexistence between cyclists and drivers in safety vest (») | 12. 11. 2015 | přečteno: 658× | komentáře: 0
The organization highlights the Bikes for Life on Sunday again make a bike ride on Route 82 to demand more cycle lanes and improving shoulders. číst dál

Cyclists in safety vest can improve their visibility (») | 20. 10. 2015 | přečteno: 749× | komentáře: 0
British Transport Research Laboratory carried out a number of tests to find out how motorcyclists and cyclists in safety vest can improve their visibility on the road. číst dál

Motorists see the children in safety vest (») | 23. 9. 2015 | přečteno: 747× | komentáře: 0
The six-year Doreen is enthusiastic: "I like the vest good; I'll always wear it." And they are indeed jeweler in color yellow and the orange stripe on the side, with the hood and the two traffic detectives Felix and Frieda as imprint: the twelve safety vests, which the parents' committee member Use Lander on Tuesday to the twelve first years of the Upper Heifer basic and secondary school has distributed. číst dál

Many runners in safety vest to run at night (») | 15. 9. 2015 | přečteno: 771× | komentáře: 0
Many runners in safety vest who decide to go jogging at night, either by time or by the simple fact that the world is calmer when there is less light. In the warmer months it is best to avoid high temperatures and now, although it is cooler and can succeed at almost any time of the day, with the change of time the light is limited as a six- some afternoon and it is night. číst dál

Police wear safety vest and check cars and pedestrians (») | 24. 8. 2015 | přečteno: 827× | komentáře: 0
Dozens of police officers dressed in reflective uniform check cars and pedestrians in the Most. číst dál

Yellow safety vest for motorcycle (») | 1. 4. 2015 | přečteno: 1174× | komentáře: 0
When summer torpor does not serve as an excuse to quietly pass a law, it sometimes arise in some amazing media questions, and misleading. For what purpose? číst dál